Infrared spectroscopy

Cards (5)

  • Infra-red radiation is heat absorbed by certain groups in a molecule at characteristic frequencies causing them to stretch depending on bond strength
  • Frequencies:
    C-H: Always around 3000, in saturated they are below 3000 in unsaturated they are above 3000
    CH in aldehydes is around 2700
  • Frequencies:
    O-H: Often a very broad curve
    In carboxyl groups they are centred around 2500-3000
    In alcohols they are centred around 3500-3200( more curve)
  • Frequencies:
    C=O: Aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and esters all have this at a region of 1700
  • Frequencies:
    C=C: Alkenes contain a small sharp peak around the region 1650