producers get light energy from the sun - change to chemical energy in photosynthesis
primary consumer eats producer = breaks down biomass by digestion and uses chemical energy to sustain own biomass
percentage efficiency of energy transfer = biomass of higher trophic level/biomass of lower trophic level x 100
energy is gained from eating a producer - lose energy by moving, keeping warm and faeces - about 10% of energy moves up each trophic level
eutrophication = minerals are leeched of fields and run into waterways - cause overgrowth of algae and aquatic plants - block light getting to bottom of water = causes them to die from lack of light for photosynthesis - bodies decay by decomposing bacteria that respire - use up all oxygen = killsanimals and plants from lack of oxygen (anoxic water)
fertiliser causes eutrophication - chemical mixture of broken down manure - rich with nutrients
sewage pollutes and causes eutrophication - contains broken down urine (urea) that is rich with nutrients
human causes to global warming = combustion: burning fossil fuels eg. cars - farming: methane from cows and rice paddy fields - CFCs: fridges and aerosols and effects the ozone layer
acid rain = made by burning fossil fuels and the vapours that dissolved in the rain to produce acids - pH 5-6 = dissolves limestone