ethical issues

Cards (19)

  • what is a ethical issue?
    conflict between what the researcher needs in order to conduct useful & meaningful research & rights of participant
  • what is bps?
    british pschological service
  • name 6 ethical issues?
    1. deception
    2. consent
    3. protection of participants
    4. right to withdraw
    5. confidentiality
    6. privacy
  • explain deception?
    sometimes its needed to deceive participants to prevent them from altering behaviour
    unethical - prevents participants being able to give fully informed consent
    may see researcher as untrustworthy
  • how to resolve deception?
    at end of experiment should inform participants of true nature of research & ask them not to tell any future participants
    should also be offered info about findings & oppurtunity to withdraw their data
  • explain consent?
    informed consent - when researcher informs participants of true aims of study & tells them whats going to happen
    are also told exactly what they will be required to do so can decide whether they wish to participate
  • how to resolve consent?
    according to bps participants should provide voluntary informed consent - knowing purpose of study & their right to withdraw
  • name 3 types of consent?
    1. prior general consent
    2. presumptive consent
    3. parental consent
  • explain prior general consent?
    involves participants giving their consent to participate in research that involves deception
  • explain presumptive consent?
    asking people who are similar to participants whether they would agree to take part in study
  • explain parental consent?
    if investigation involves participants under age of 16 signature of parent is required
  • explain protection of participants?
    may be necessary to cause a degree of distress
    it is difficult to predict outcome & diffcult to guarantee protection from harm
    considered acceptable if distress is no more than they would experience in everyday life
    participants should leave in the same psychological & physical state as they entered
  • resolve protection from harm?
    test whether the harm they have suffered is more than they would have experienced in everyday life
  • explain right to withdraw?
    if participants begin to feel uncomfortable/distressed they should be able to withdraw
    when participants are paid to take part it can often make them feel they cant withdraw
  • resolve right to withdraw?
    participants should be informed at beginning that they can stop participating & can leave at any time
    should also be reminded during & at end
  • explain confidentiality?
    participants have the right to control info about themselves
    participants personal details must be protected
  • resolve confidentiality?
    use a pseudonym - fake name
    anonymity must be maintained
  • explain privacy?
    participants should not expect to have their privacy/personal space invaded
  • resolve privacy?
    participants should not be studied in certain situations where they wouldnt expect to be normally seen