Republic Act (R.A.) 9165 - an act instituting Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002. It serves as guide in implementation of dangerous drug prevention and control in the country. It guides approach towards issues geared against drug activities
Drug - a substance that affects the function of living cells, used in medicine to diagnose, cure, prevent the occurrence of diseases and disorders and prolong the life of patients with incurable conditions.
effective products such as antibiotics and vaccines has increased
the average Filipino’s life span from about 60-75 years and it vastly
improved the quality of life, and contributed to the eradication of once
widespread and fatal diseases such as polio and smallpox.
Drug Abuse - -is the overuse of a drug without due regard to accepted medical practice resulting in the individual’s physical, mental, emotional
or behavioral impairment.
Drug Dependence - -is a compulsive behavior brought about by drug abuse.
Drug User - is another term for “drug addict” which refers to an individual who is dependent on drugs.
Common Signs of Drug Abuse
Changes in Behavior
Unusual Behavior
Unpleasant Behavior
Changes in Behavior
Change in attendance at work or school.
Change from normal capabilities (work, habits, efficiency, etc.)
Poor physical appearance, including attention to dress and personal hygiene.
Unusual Behavior
Constant wearing of sunglasses at inappropriate times (for instance, indoors or at night not only to hide dilute or constricted pupils but also to compensate the eyes’ inability to adjust to sunlight). Marijuana causes bloodshot eyes.
Unusual effort made to cover arms in order to hide needle marks.
Unpleasant Behavior
Association with known drug abusers.
Stealing items that can be readily sold for cash (to support a drug habit).
Change in mood, depending on the drug taken.
Alcohol Liquor - A dangerous chemical substance that triggers the central nervous system and may damage vital human organs.
Marijuana - Annual plant that grows wild in many temperate parts of the world.
Stimulants - Drugs used to increase mental activity, relative fatigue, increase alertness and offset drowsiness..
Cough Syrups - Also called over the counter colds/cough preparations.
Inhalants - are volatile substances derived from ether or chloroform. It is an
inhalator through the nose to experience intoxication. Recently, inhalation of
different substances known as “glue sniffing” has become popular among young
people in their early teens.
Effects of Alcohol Use
• Give a feeling of relaxation and loss of inhibition
• A sense of excitement due to the release of inhibitions
• Disrupted motor activity, motor skills and coordination
• Deep intoxication that causes disturbance in bodily processes