Cards (21)

  • FPTP is a plurality system, in which a candidate wins by having a majority of the vote
  • Voters cast a single ballot in each of the 650 constituencies
  • Advantage - easy to use (quick count) and easy to understand (increased turnout)
  • Advantage - traditional ; 2011 referendum to replace FPTP with AV only had c. 30% turnout and 68% said no
  • Advantage - should produce a strong, decisive, single-party government with a clear mandate ; resumed in 2019 when the Conservatives gained a 80-seat majority
  • Advantage - clear link to area and constituencies so effective local representation
  • Advantage - prevents small extremist parties from gaining representation ; 1997 Third Way -> parties more Centrist to appeal to a wider voter base
  • Disadvantages - uneven constituenciy sizes and safe seats mean unequal vote value, e.g. 2019 East Ham Labour won with a margin of 33,000
  • Disadvantages - gives an advantage to bigger parties with concentrated support
  • Disadvantages - has failed to produce a strong single-party government recently. 2010-15 coalition, 2015 minority government. 2017 confidence-and-supply agreement which led to May suffering more defeats than her five predecessors put together
  • Disadvantages - only a plurality needed which undermines democratic legitimacy. 2019 - MP Freer won despite not winning 50% of votes in costituency, only 44%
  • Disadvantages - lack of real voter choice because Westminister is a two party system, leading to reduced turnout and tactical voting
  • Disadvantages - reduced turnout ; 2001 59% because knew Labour would win
  • Disadvantages - two party system; 2017 Lab + Cons had biggest vote share since 1970 -> 82%
  • Disadvantages - tactical voting in 2015 to avoid a Lab-SNP coalition
  • Disadvantages - winner's bonus -> biggest parties tend to win more than their proportional vote share
  • Disadvantages - winner's bonus; 2019 Conservatives won 43% of the vote but 56% of seats
  • Disadvantages - winner's bonus; since WWII no party has won over 50% of the vote but there has always been a majority in Parliament
  • Disadvantages - winner's bonus; in 2019, 2017 and 2015 Labour and Cons overrepresented
  • Disadvantages - plurality system leads to wasted votes. 70% of votes are wasted each election + in 2019 22.6m out of 32 million wasted
  • Used in general election and London Mayoral Election (as of 2nd May 2024 elections)