upper epidermis = transparent - allows light through to reach palisade mesophyll layer, protects against pathogens
palisade mesophyll layer = lots of chloroplasts - lots of photosynthesis
spongey mesophyll layer = many air pockets - gasesdiffuse easily
xylem = carries water and minerals up plant via stem - keeps cells turgid
phloem = transports sucrose and amino acids from leaves to plant
stomata = opens in light - allows diffusion of CO2 into cell and O2 out cell, closes when too much water is lost via transpiration
guard cells = water filled cells that control the stomata - turgid = filled with water and opens stomata, flaccid = lacks water and sag to close stomata
limiting factors?
holds back a rate
CO2 concentration: increase in CO2 = more photosynthesis
light intensity: increase in light = more photosynthesis
temperature: increase in temp - reaches optimum temp - increase after = denatures and less photosynthesis
xylem: tissue that transports water and mineralsup stem of plant to the leaves - made of dead cells and a hollow lumen = waterproof by lignin - provides stem with structure
xylem structure: cells lose end walls to create one long hollow tube - uses no energy
phloem: move sucrose and amino acidsup and down plant, from leaves to where it is needed for - used in growth, storage and development of seeds, process called translocation = active transport - against concentration gradient and uses energy
sieve tubes (phloem) = no nucleus, specialised and has a perforated end - allows cytoplasm to connect them together
companion cells (phloem) = attaches one or more to each end of sieve tube to provide energy - sieve tubes are dependant, has less cytoplasm and organelles = more room for energy
plants exchange gases via diffusion - use up CO2 and produce O2 as waste product
photosynthesising plants use lots of CO2 so not much in leaf = more CO2 moves into leaf via diffusion, lots of O2 = diffuses out cell by stoma
adapted for gas exchange?
broad leaves = large surface area
thin = shortdiffusion pathway
air inside leaf = gases move easily between cells - larger SA
lots of stomata = allow movement of gases, let water escape
stomata close at night, photosynthesis cannot happen at night = dont need to let CO2 in and stops water from escaping
stomata also close up when there is less water = stops plant from drying out
guard cells:
decrease in volume = close stomata
increase in volume = open stomata
root hair cells:
absorbs water
increase surface area of roots = can take more water by osmosis and minerals by active transport
the evapouration of water from the surface of plants - water evapourates out of spongey mesophyll layer
rate of transpiration effected by sunlight: stomata is open = more water loss
rate of transpiration effected by temperature: warmer = more evaporation of water - faster transpiration (have more kinetic energy)
rate of transpiration effected by wind speed: higher wind = greater transpiration (increases concentration so more diffusion)
rate of transpiration effected by humidity: low humidity = less water in atmosphere = higherconcentrationgradient = faster
measure transpiration:
potometer = cut shoot underwater to stop air getting in the xylem, make apparatus air tight, measure bubble at start and the distance it travels in certain length of time = amount of water lost