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  • transpiration?
    the evaporation of water off the surface of plants
  • transpiration in plants: evaporation o fwater out spongey mesophyll layer air and diffuse out of stomata
  • effects of transpiration practical: potometer = cut shoot underwater to stop air entering xylem - put in apparatus and make air tight, add air bubble and measure start, leave 30 minutes and measure end distance - distance travelled is the amount of water lost
  • transpiration on xylem: less water = draws water up stem to replace (like sucking a straw)
  • root hair cells: increases surface area of roots - take water by osmosis and minerals by active transport
  • sunlight effect = more sun - stomata opens - more transpiration (more water lost)
  • warmer effect = more evaporation - more water loss or higher kinetic energy = quicker diffusion
  • windy effect = increase in concentration gradient - quicker diffusion
  • low humidity = less water in air - higher concentration gradient - more transpiration
  • biodiversity = the variety of organisms in an area
  • nitrogen cycle = decomposing bacteria turn dead/waste matter to ammonium ions (called ammonification) - nitrifying bacteria turn ammonium ions to nitrite ions (called nitrification part 1) - another nitrifying bacteria turns nitrite ions to nitrate ions (called nitrification part 2) - denitrifying bacteria can turn some nitrate ions to nitrogen gas when there is a lack of oxygen (eg. waterlogged soil) - legumes contain nitrogen fixing bacteria that can turn nitrogen gas into any nitrogen containing compound: ammonium, nitrite, nitrate etc (eg. beans, peanuts, peas)
  • deforestation is caused by trees being cut down for wood and farming land
  • disturbs evapotranspiration = less trees = less transpiration = drier limate
  • leeching = soils dry in sun = rainwater runs of soils and take minerals from soils = can't use again - unfertile
  • soil erosion = rain washes soils away = no tree roots to hold soils together
  • unbalance of atmospheric gases (more CO2 and less O2) = trees burned and release CO2, less trees = nothing to take in CO2 and give out O2
  • vaccines = injects a piece of deactive pathogen into body - stimulates lymphocytes to create antibodies and memory cells
  • memory cells = stay in blood for long time after - recognise pathogen quicker and produce more antibodies faster
  • secondary immune response = faster and better response to pathogen than first time
  • platelets = clot the blood - respond to damaged blood vessels and produce fibres to create a net that catches RBCs
  • platelets - prevent blood loss and pathogens entering blood
  • day: respiration and photosynthesis happens - O2 and CO2 go in and out
  • night: only respiration - CO2 out and O2 in
  • single cell gas exchange = short diffusion path so quick diffusion
  • multi-cellular organisms = use exchange surfaces and organs to increase exchange of materials
  • organs increase exchange efficiency: larger surface area:volume ratio =increases rate of diffusion, short diffusion path (thin) = quicker diffusion, well ventilated = steep concentration gradient
  • practical: (light effect on gas exchange) 20cm3 of hydrocarbonate indicator in 4 tubes and add cotton wool at top - A=no plant (control) B=plant and light C=plant and no light D=plant and half light (aluminium foil) - results: A+D = orange (stays same), B=purple (less CO2) C=yellow (more CO2)
  • stomata in gas exchange = opens and closes to control gas exchange and water loss: open = water into guard cells = turgid = gases move in and out, closed = water out of guard cells = flaccid = no diffusion of gases in or out
  • gases in gas exchange = water vapour, carbon dioxide and oxygen
  • CO2 moves into leaf: higher CO2 concentration in atmosphere than in leaf = steep gradient = diffusion through stomata into air in spongey mesophyll layer - CO2 diffuses through cell wall and membrane in palisade mesophyll layer and into chloroplasts for photsynthesis