
Cards (32)

  • Julius Caesar -> 58-50 BC Gallic Wars/ Conquest of Gaul
  • First Triumvirate -> 54 BC Battle of Carrhae against the Parthian Empire
  • Julius Caesar -> 49-45 BC Civil War made up of several battles against Pompey the Great
  • Julius Caesar -> 48 BC Battle of Pharsalus against Pompey the Great lead to the exile of Ptolemy XIII and Cleopatra's ascendence to power
  • Julius Caesar -> 46 BC Thapsus against Metellus Scipo
  • Julius Caesar -> 44 BC Battle of Munda in Spain against Gaius and Sextus Pompeius and fought with Octavian. Final battle of the civil war and leads to his dictatorship
  • Octavian -> 43 BC Battle of Mutina - alongside consuls Hirtius and Pansa who both died and allowed the 2nd Triumvirate to form
  • Octavian -> 42 BC Battle of Philippi - Octavian and Antony avenge JC’s assassination, commemorated by the Temple of Mars Ultor
  • Octavian -> 41 BC - Perusine war against Lucius Antinous and Fulvia (Antony’s brother and wife) whilst Antony meets Cleopatra in Tarsus
  • 2nd Triumvirate -> 40 BC Treaty of Brundisium - signed between the triumvirs that divided the empire + earned an ovation despite it not being a military occassion
  • Octavian -> 30 BC gave himself the title of Imperator
  • 2nd Triumvirate -> 36 BC Lepidus’ failed coup to take over Sicily and thus is exiled, leaving Octavian and Antony in power
  • Octavian -> 36 BC Battle of Nauchlos against Sextus Pompeius, an invasion of Sicily
  • Antony -> 34 BC Donations of Alexandria
  • Octavian -> 31 BC Battle of Actium officially against Cleopatra, but secretly Antony
  • Octavian - 30 BC Battle of Alexandria, winning Octavian the civil war
  • Octavian -> 29 BC Triple Triumph for the victories in Dalmatia, Actium and Alexandria
  • Octavian -> 29 BC Janus’ temple doors closed after the end of civil wars
  • Octavian -> 29-19 BC Campaigns in Spain to pacify locals
  • Octavian -> 28 BC Princeps Senatus elected by the Senate, allowed him to speak first in Senate
  • Augustus -> 27 BC The First Settlement - relinquished unprecedented powers and gained the cognomen Augustus
  • Augustus -> 25 BC Janus’ temple doors closed after suppression of rebellions in Spain
  • Augustus -> 23 BC The Second Settlement after a period of ill health which threatened Augustus’ life; gave up consulship and increased imperium
  • Augustus -> 22-19 BC Parthian negotiations led by him and Tiberius
  • Augustus -> 20 BC Return of the Parthian standards
  • Augustus -> 19-18 BC The Third Settlement, cause of historical debate; RG says he is given "supreme power" but Dio says he was the "Supervisor of Laws and Morals" and the cursus honorum continued
  • Agrippa -> 19 BC Campaigns in Spain by Agrippa which more or less secured the western and eastern borders
  • Augustus' sons -> 12-6 BC Campaigns in Germany led by Drusus then Tiberius, extending the border to the River Elbe
  • Gaul - modern day France and Belgium
  • 23 BC - Augustus fell gravely ill and almost died. He gave his signet ring to Agrippa, he would be the heir
  • 17 BC - Augustus formally adopts Agrippa’s sons with Julia (Gaius and Lucius) which was quite rare as they were very young
  • 4 AD - Augustus adopts Agrippa Postumous and Tiberius