
    Subdecks (2)

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    • What does EV stand for in psychological research?
      Extraneous Variable
    • What are individual differences in the context of psychological research?
      Differences between participants that might affect their performances
    • What is an extraneous variable?

      A variable other than the independent variable that affects the dependent variable
    • How would a psychologist deal with extraneous variables?
      By using designs such as repeated measures or matched pairs
    • What is a matched pairs design?
      A design where participants are matched by key variables such as age and IQ
    • What is random allocation in psychological research?
      Involves chance to allocate participants to each condition
    • What are situational variables?

      Factors in the setting and circumstances of the research that affect participant performance
    • What is standardization in research?
      Keeping procedures, materials, and instructions the same for all participants
    • What are order effects?
      When the performance of participants in the second condition is impacted by their participation in the first
    • What is participant reactivity?
      Behavior changes due to awareness that they are being studied
    • What is social desirability bias?
      When participants feel they would be judged by the researcher and try to present themselves in a more desirable light
    • What is researcher bias?
      When the researcher influences the outcome of the study
    • What is counterbalancing?

      A method to balance out order effects in research
    • What is the single blind technique?
      A method where participants are unaware of the condition they are in
    • What is deception in psychological research?

      Leading participants to believe the research is about something other than it is or withholding the aim
    • Why are labs considered to have high levels of control?
      Because they are most susceptible to participant reactivity due to participants knowing they are being studied
    • What are standardized instructions in research?
      Instructions that should be read in the exact same way to each participant, often done in the form of a script
    • What is the double blind technique?

      A method where both the participant and researcher are unaware of what condition the participants are in
    • What is randomization in research?
      Using chance to control the effects of bias when deciding things like the order of conditions
    • What are the key methods to control extraneous variables in psychological research?
      • Repeated measures design
      • Matched pairs design
      • Random allocation
      • Standardization of procedures
      • Counterbalancing
      • Single blind and double blind techniques
      • Randomization
    • What is the name of the experimental design that involves participants experiencing both conditions of the experiment?
      Repeated Measures
    • How do participants experience conditions in a Repeated Measures design?
      Participants experience both (or more) conditions of the experiment.
    • What is the typical structure of a Repeated Measures design?
      It often takes the form of being tested before and after manipulation of the independent variable (IV).
    • What is the name of the experimental design where different individuals are used for each condition?
      Independent Groups
    • How do participants experience conditions in an Independent Groups design?
      Participants only experience one condition of the experiment.
    • What is a key requirement for participants in an Independent Groups design?
      Participants should be randomly assigned to a group.
    • What is the name of the experimental design that uses different participants for each condition but matches them on an important variable?
      Matched Pairs
    • How are participants matched in a Matched Pairs design?
      Participants are matched on a variable important to control in the study.
    • What happens to participants in a Matched Pairs design?
      Each participant in one condition has a matched partner in the other condition.
    • What are the strengths of Repeated Measures design?
      • Controls for individual differences between participants
      • Reduces the chance of extraneous variables affecting the dependent variable (DV)
      • Eliminates practice and order effects
      • Ensures participants don't become fatigued
    • What are the weaknesses of Repeated Measures design?
      • Order effects may affect performance in the second condition
      • Individual differences between participants may still exist
      • Impossible to match participants on every possible variable
    • What is a potential issue with order effects in Repeated Measures design?
      Participants' performance in the second condition may be affected by their performance in the first condition.
    • How can individual differences affect the results in Independent Groups design?
      Individual differences between the two groups may be the reason for differences in behavior.
    • Why is it difficult to match participants in a Matched Pairs design?
      It is impossible to match participants on every possible variable, which may still cause participant variables to occur.
    • What are the strengths of Independent Groups design?
      • Reduces order effects
      • Participants only take part in one condition
      • Eliminates practice effects
    • What are the weaknesses of Independent Groups design?
      • Individual differences may affect results
      • Requires a larger number of participants
      • Cannot control for participant variables as effectively
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