Amazon Basin

Cards (15)

  • NPP is 2,500 g/m2 = so quick that it absorbs 1/4 of all carbon dioxide released by humans
  • 200-300 tonnes of carbon stored per hectare
  • Mean NPP = Rainforest - 2,200 g/m2, Deciduous rainforest - 1,200 g/m2
  • Emergent tress called “Kapok” which can grow up to 50 metres high
  • Autotrophic respiration (vegetation) + Heterotrophic respiration (decomposers) = release carbon
  • Between 50-60% of precipitation in Amazonia is recycled by evapotranspiration
  • High average rainfall of above 2000mm with no dry season
  • Convectional rainfall peaks at 21:00 and is driest at 15:00 (highest level of incidence at midday)
  • Intercepted rainfall accounts for 20-25% of all evaporation
  • Brazilian shield, Guyana Shield & Andean belt = indigenous rocks - impermeable + low porosity = can’t store water
  • Middle part of basin in Cenozoic rock (sedimentary rock) = permable + high porosity = stores water = less run-off
  • Steep slopes at the Andean mountains and Guyana highlands = high rates of run-off
  • 6 months of constant rainfall accumulating trillions of gallons of water
  • River can rise up to 10m during the wet season
  • The last 2 decades of wet season have had rainfall figures since the records began