ITCZwet season - High isolation...ground warms air…high air temperature….hot air rises…low air pressure…sucks in moisture from adjacenttropical oceans…low air pressure = air becomes unstable allowing particles to rise easily encouraging convection
7 major flood events between 1992-2014
Converting rainforest to grassland increases run-off by a factor of 27
50% of all rainfall falling onto grassland goes directly into the river
Rondonia experienced a 23% decrease in tree cover from 2000-2009
Less interception…decreased soul quality (removal of potassium and phosphorus)
Protected areas such as the 283,117-hectareRio Madeira SustainableDevelopement Reserve
Jamari protected area = No deforestation
Bom Futuro = Numbers have slightly and gradually decreased since 2016-2020 but still lots of deforestation
2 large dams were completed in 2015 - The Jirau and Santo Antonio at anestimated cost of $15 billion = reservoirs up to 870km2
468km2 of natural rainforest has been lost due to flooding
Primary rainforest stores up to 300tonnes per hectare
If we didn’t have rainforests, carbonconcentration would be 2x as much as it currently is
Rainforest average = 200 Tonnes per hectare, Oil palm = 30 Tonnes per hectare - 85% decrease of stored carbon
Oil palm plantation also reduced the carbon flows by 50% compared to primary rainforest
IBAMA - 9,771 fines in 2018, only 6,895 in 2019 = decrease of 29.4%
Fines relating to Flora dropped from 4,138 to 2,535 over the same period
ARPA - Established 283,000km2 of protected areas, established 89,000km2 of sustainable use reserve for local communities to look after, and transformed 125,000km2 to managementstandards
ARPA witnessed a 17% increase in management effectiveness from 2001-2015