Conduction, Convection and Radiation

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  • Conduction occurs in Solids
    Convection occurs in Liquids and Gases.
    Radiation occurs in empty space.
  • CONDUCTION: Vibrating particles transfer energy to neighbouring particles.
  • Metals have a high thermal conductivity.
  • Plastics have a low thermal conductivity.
  • CONVECTION: Where energetic particles move from hotter to cooler regions.
  • In CONVECTION the fluid(liquid or gas) becomes less dense as the particles are being spread out because they are being heated.
  • In CONVECTION if there is a constant heat source. There will be a CONVECTION CURRENT. As the now cool particles will be hot again and cool again.
  • Thermal Conductivity is how well a material conducts energy.
  • Convection currents occur in limited space.