chap 3

Cards (16)

  • what are the challenges in deciding what is good for society ?
    • differing needs and interest
    • differing priorities
    • unequal sharing of cost
  • Why is differing needs and interest a challenge in deciding what is good for society?
    • Singaporeans have differing needs based on the needs of well-being and interests. There are differing viewpoints or perspectives on well-being and interest.
    • There are differing viewpoints or perspectives on well-being and interest.
    • Hence it is not possible to come to a clear consensus on the notion of what is good for society
  • What is differing priorities ?
    • Individuals have differing priorities
    • land is needed for education, housing, business, and recreation. but with limited land area, it is crucial that land use is optimised so that the current and future needs of people are met.
    • but with limited land area, land use must be optimised so that the current and future needs of people are met.
    • in an estate there could be differing priorities, the elderly would like hospital while parents with school-going children would prefer a school to be built. 
  • Why is differing priorities a challenge in deciding what is good for society?
    • resources are limited in land scarce Singapore and the various groups have different competing claims due to their own self-interest and priorities. 
  • what is unequal sharing of costs ?
    • The unequal sharing of cost refers to varying impact that a decision has on different groups of people.
    • While a decision may benefit society in general, it can have a negative impact on certain groups of people.
    • building expressways would improve traffic flow for commuters. However, this may come at a cost for those living near the expressways due to noise pollution.
  • Why is it a challenge in deciding what is good for society?
    • unequal sharing of cost will differ based on perspectives and opinions that will benefit and that does not benefit a group
  • what is trade- off ?
    • Trade-off involves making decision between two or more things that cannot be obtained at the same time due to limited resources.
    • This would mean having more of one thing would result in having less of another.
    • In 2013, when the Cross Island MRT line was proposed, the LTA proposed a direct route through the Central Catchment Reserve while the Nature Society Singapore suggested under
    • There was a trade-off which saves travelling time and money while preserving the environment in the Central Catchment Reserve.
  • what are principles of shaping governance ?
    • having good leadership
    • anticipating change and staying relevant
    • a stake for everyone, opportunities for all
    • practising meritocracy
  • what is having good leadership ?
    • Having good leadership in the government ensures our country’s stability and progress.
    • Leaders must be honest, capable and courageous enough to make the right decisions for the country, even if the decision proves difficult.
    • Mr Lim Km San, First Chairman of HDB took the difficult decision to build low-cost public housing.
    • HDB completed 26 000 flats over 3 years.
    • HDB flats were built quickly, cheaply (cost efficient) and according to strict regulations.
  • Why having good leadership is a key principle of shaping good governance ?
    • Having a good leadership will enable the country to improve and ensures leaders make decision in the best interest of the country and people, even though it could be a painful one.
  • what is anticipating change and staying relevant ?
    • anticipate and stay relevant and be forward-looking and take appropriate decision early.
    • minimise threat and maximise opportunities
    • long term impact of climate change and the rising sea level
    • budget of 5 million was set aside for the Coastal and Flood Protection Fund to prepare for the significant risk of rising sea level
  • Why anticipating change and staying relevant is a key principle of shaping good governance ?
    • a leader must be nimble and able to predict and execute changes early so as to prepare Singapore at the right path due to the current VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) world.
  • what is a stake for everyone, opportunities for all ?
    • the government should provide a stake for everyone and opportunities for all which will give the citizens a say in the decision making.
    • government initiative, Singapore Together Movement
    • encouraged to partner with the government and provide citizen led initiatives The Emerging Stronger Conversation (ESC) series was part of Singapore Together Movement that involved 16,900 Singaporeans from diverse background, languages and experiences who expressed on how Singapore can emerge stronger from Covid-19 pandemic.
  • why providing a stake for everyone, opportunities for all is a key principle of shaping good governance ?
    • when citizens feel that their ‘voice’ is accepted and have a stake in our future, they will develop a greater sense of belonging
    • encourage Singaporeans to share their views on policies and decision making.
  • what is practising meritocracy ?
    • meritocracy refers to a system that distributes opportunities and rewards according to merit
    • people are rewarded based on the effort they put in rather than factors such as race, religion and family background, encouraging to work harder.
    • government schools in Singapore do offer awards based on their character leadership, conduct, learning attitudes and academic performances. 
  • why is practising meritocracy a key principle of shaping good governance ?
    • allows a person to move up the social ladder based on their effort rather than using connection
    • fairer way to reward someone for their effort put in