animal studies of attachment

Cards (8)

  • Lorenz study method:
    • he randomly divided goose eggs into two halves
    • one half hatched with the mother
    • one hatched in an incubator and the first moving object they saw was Lorenz
    • he marked each gosling to indicate which group of eggs they were and he observed who they followed
  • Lorenz study findings:
    • the group hatched with their actual mother, followed her
    • the group that hatched with Lorenz, followed him
    • this is called imprinting
    • geese have a critical period of 13-30 hours as it’s essential for survival
  • Imprinting happens when bird species that are mobile from birth follow the first moving object they see
  • Lorenz study long lasting effects:
    • there was a relationship between imprinting and adult mate preferences
    • birds would try to mate with the same species they imprinted on
  • Harlow study method:
    • in a controlled environment, monkeys were separated from their mothers immediately
    • IV: wire mother that dispensed food, cloth covered monkey with no food
    • there was also a fearful moving object
    • DV: time spent with each mother was recorded
  • Harlow study findings:
    • monkeys spent more time with the cloth mother (23 out of 24 hours)
    • they would only go to the wire monkey when hungry
    • during the fearful moving object the monkeys ran to the cloth mother
    • the monkeys preferred comfort and security over food
  • Harlow study long lasting effects:
    • maternal deprivation
    • they were more timid
    • they were easily bullied or aggressive
    • they had difficulty with mating
    • the females were inadequate mothers
  • Evaluations of animal studies into attachment:
    ☹️ problems generalising to humans
    🙂 practical applications
    ☹️ evidence to contradict Lorenz
    ☹️ methodological issues with Harlow
    🙂 scientific