Functionalist theories of Religion

Cards (19)

  • Functionalists argue religion is a conservative force which promotes social harmony and reinforces value consensus
  • Durkheim says religion socialises members into a collective conscience, and sets certain values apart and encourages collective worship
  • The Sacred according to Durkheim is objects/places/animals etc which are considered apart and forbidden
  • The Profane according to Durkheim is non-sacred items but normal and mundane
  • Totemism was developed by Durkheim by studying aborginal australians which connects and represents social connections
  • Liberation Theology was founded by Christian priests and focussed on reducing poverty - which supports collective worship
  • New Christian Right creates hate which challenges the belief that religion brings society together
  • Following the murder of James Bulger the Catholic Church created a book of condolences showing religion can bring society together
  • The Israel - Palestine war shows religion can divide people
  • Durkheim relied of second hand accounts about aboriginal australians
  • Durkheims theories may only be applicable to small scale societies so is not generalisable
  • There is many conflicts today in religion
  • Malinowksi said religion provided a psychological function
  • Malinowski found religion provided comfort when an answer is uncertain or in a time of crisis
  • Malinowskis research may be outdated as it is a pre-industrial society
  • Malinowski was an outsider in his study so he may have misintepreted his data
  • Parsons says religion can help individuals cope with unforeseen events and uncontrollable outcomes
  • Parsons says religion can promote value consensus and answer the ’ultimate question’
  • Functionalists fail to account for conflicts that can occur among religions