Cards (20)

  • SOCIAL SCIENCES study of societies and and the relationship among individual within those societies
  • NATURAL SCIENCES understanding of natural phenomena
  • BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES scientific study of living things
  • PHYSICAL SCIENCE aim to uncover the underlying laws of nature
  • HIEROGLYPHICS was the oldest version of the script
  • ALIBATA it was erroneously called
  • ANTHROPOLOGY It came from the greek word anthropos meaning "humankind" and logos meaning "study"
  • PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY is also called "biological anthropology"
  • HOMO SAPIENS thinking man
  • EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY study most basic concept
  • DEVELOPMENT PSYCHOLOGY studies the intellectual, social, emotional, and moral development
  • BULEMIA Large quantity of food is consumed
  • ANOREXIA characterized low weight
  • CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY Assesses and find treatments for people
  • PSYCHOLOGY pysche meaning "soul" or "spirit" and logos meaning "study"
  • ARCHEOLOGISTS have long used carbon-14 dating ( also known as radio carbon dating)
  • CULTURAL OR SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY including all aspects of human behavior
  • ID most basic part of the personality
  • EGO tasked with balancing reality with demands of desire
  • SUPEREGO develops last and is based in moral and judgement