Banduras media effects theory

Cards (12)

  • What is Bandura's media effects theory primarily about?
    Learning through observation
  • How does cognitive process play a role in Bandura's theory?
    Cognitive processes are crucial in learning
  • What factors interact in the learning process according to Bandura?
    Environment, behavior, and personal factors
  • Can learning occur without direct reinforcement in Bandura's theory?
    Yes, learning can happen without direct reinforcement
  • What types of models can learners observe according to Bandura?
    Models can be real or symbolic
  • Do learners need to perform the behavior immediately after observing it?
    No, learners do not need to perform the behavior immediately
  • What is vicarious reinforcement in Bandura's theory?
    It occurs when learners see models being rewarded
  • What are the four processes of observational learning according to Bandura?
    1. Attention
    2. Retention
    3. Reproduction
    4. Motivation
  • How does social learning theory relate to media effects?
    1. Media as models
    2. Vicarious reinforcement
    3. Symbolic modeling
    4. Implications for media literacy and content regulation
  • What is a criticism of Bandura's media effects theory?
    It is considered an oversimplification
  • What does prosocial modeling refer to in Bandura's theory?
    It refers to positive behaviors that can be modeled
  • What does the active audience theory suggest?
    It suggests that audiences actively interpret media content