major hominid changes

Cards (36)

  • What is the age range of Sahelanthropus?
    1. 7 million years ago
  • What traits does Sahelanthropus showcase?
    A mix of apelike and humanlike traits
  • What is the brain size of Sahelanthropus?
    320-380 cc
  • How does the bipedalism of Sahelanthropus compare to later species?
    It is not as efficient as later species
  • What is the age of Orrorin tugenensis?
    1. 7 million years ago
  • What characteristics does Orrorin tugenensis exhibit?
    Bipedalism, small brain, and ape-like characteristics
  • What does the name Ardipithecus mean?
    Ape on the ground
  • What are the notable features of Ardipithecus kadabba and Ardipithecus ramidus?
    Bipedalism and living in forested environments
  • What is the time range during which Australopithecus lived?
    5 to 1 million years ago
  • What is Australopithecus afarensis known for?
    Being a transitional species with a small brain and bipedalism
  • What is a notable feature of Australopithecus africanus?
    Believed to be a direct ancestor of Homo
  • What are the characteristics of Homo habilis?
    Characterized by robust jaws and large teeth
  • When did Homo emerge?
    Around 2.4 million years ago
  • What is a notable feature of Homo erectus?
    Larger brain (1,000 cc) and known for using fire and complex tools
  • What is significant about Homo erectus in terms of migration?
    Likely the first to leave Africa
  • What is the height of Homo floresiensis, also known as the "Hobbit"?
    1. 3'5 ft tall
  • What time period did Homo floresiensis live in?
    Between 100,000 and 60,000 years ago
  • What unique adaptation is suggested for Homo floresiensis?
    Possibly due to island dwarfism
  • Where was Homo luzonensis discovered?
    In the Philippines
  • What is the time range during which Homo luzonensis lived?
    Around 50,000 to 67,000 years ago
  • What does the features of Homo luzonensis suggest about its relation to earlier hominins?
    It is closely related to earlier hominins like Australopithecus
  • What is Sahelanthropus known for in terms of its age and traits?
    Sahelanthropus is one of the earliest hominins, living 6-7 million years ago, with a mix of apelike and humanlike traits.
  • What are the key characteristics of Sahelanthropus?
    It exhibits bipedalism, a small brain size (320-380 cc), and ape-like features.
  • How old is Orrorin tugenensis and what are its notable traits?
    Orrorin tugenensis lived 5.7 million years ago and was bipedal with a small brain and ape-like characteristics.
  • What does the name Ardipithecus mean and what are its notable species?

    Ardipithecus means "ape on the ground" and includes Ardipithecus kadabba and Ardipithecus ramidus, which lived 4.4 million years ago.
  • What are the notable traits of Ardipithecus species?
    They are notable for bipedalism and living in forested environments, with characteristics similar to both apes and early humans.
  • What is the time frame during which Australopithecus lived?
    Australopithecus lived from 5 to 1 million years ago.
  • What are the key species of Australopithecus and their characteristics?
    • Australopithecus afarensis (e.g., Lucy): Transitional species with a small brain and bipedalism; noted for simple tool use.
    • Australopithecus africanus: Believed to be a direct ancestor of Homo.
    • Australopithecus robustus: Characterized by robust jaws and large teeth.
  • When did the genus Homo emerge and what are its key species?
    The genus Homo emerged around 2.4 million years ago and includes Homo habilis and Homo erectus.
  • What are the characteristics of Homo habilis?
    Homo habilis is known as an early toolmaker (Oldowan tools), has a smaller stature, and a smaller brain (700 cc).
  • What distinguishes Homo erectus from other hominins?
    Homo erectus is distinguished by its larger brain (1,000 cc), known for using fire and complex tools, and likely being the first to leave Africa.
  • What is unique about Homo floresiensis and when was it discovered?
    Homo floresiensis, discovered in 2003, is a small hominin (3.5 ft tall) that lived between 100,000 and 60,000 years ago.
  • What adaptations are suggested for Homo floresiensis?

    Homo floresiensis exhibits unique adaptations possibly due to island dwarfism.
  • What is known about Homo luzonensis and its discovery?
    Homo luzonensis was found in the Philippines and lived around 50,000 to 67,000 years ago.
  • What does the morphology of Homo luzonensis suggest about its relation to earlier hominins?
    Its features suggest that Homo luzonensis is closely related to earlier hominins like Australopithecus.
  • What are the key evolutionary traits of hominins from Sahelanthropus to Homo?
    • Sahelanthropus: Early bipedalism, small brain.
    • Orrorin tugenensis: Bipedal, small brain.
    • Ardipithecus: Bipedalism, forest-dwelling.
    • Australopithecus: Transitional species, simple tool use.
    • Homo habilis: Early toolmaker, smaller brain.
    • Homo erectus: Larger brain, fire use, first to leave Africa.
    • Homo floresiensis: Island dwarfism adaptations.
    • Homo luzonensis: Related to earlier hominins.