Classical conditioning - learning through association
Classical conditioning - Pavlov's dogs :
Before - unconditioned stimulus (UCS) = unconditioned response (UCR)
During - neutral stimulus (NS) + UCS = UCR
After - conditioned stimulus (CS) = conditioned response (CR)
Spontaneous recovery - conditional response is not reinforced and thought to be extinguished but suddenly reappears
Operant conditioning - learning through consequence
Operant conditioning - Skinner's box :
Rat / pigeon has 2 levers; 1 lever drops food; 1 lever shocks the floor; animal quickly learned not to press the one that shocked them; Skinner started switching the levers which led to learned helplessness
Continuous reinforcement - desired behaviour is reinforced every single time it occurs
Partial reinforcement - the response is reinforced only some of the time (weaker effect)
Positive reinforcement - increasing the frequency of a desired behaviour by giving a pleasant consequence e.g. praising students for raising their hands
Negative reinforcement - increasing the frequency of a desired behaviour by removing something unpleasant e.g. eating to remove the feeling of hunger
Positive punishment - decreasing the frequency of a behaviour by giving an unpleasant consequence by adding something e.g. hitting to add pain
Negative punishment - decreasing the frequency of a behaviour by giving an unpleasant consequence by removing something e.g. a parent removing a teenager's phone
Punishment should be idiosyncratic (specific to that behaviour)
Thorndike's 'Law of Effect' - Any behaviour that is rewarded will likely be repeated and any behaviour that is punished will be extinguished