Evolution - driven by desire to survive and reproduce
Genotype - what genes you have
Phenotype - visible characteristics; the behaviour resulting form your genes and the environment
Candidate genes - the specific genes implicated in your behaviour
Genetics - having the gene is not enough to have the behaviour
Neuroanatomy - the design and structure of the brain
Raine (1997) - used PET scans to identify areas of murderers brains; found reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex, amygdala and hippocampus and found abnormal asymmetries (reduced activity on the left and greater activity in the right hemisphere)
High or low levels of neurotransmitters cause different disorders
GABA - lessens ability of a nerve cell to receive, create or send chemical messages to other nerve cells creating a calming effect
Adrenaline - increases heart rate and breathing rate to prepare body for fight or flight but can make a person restless or irritable if no danger present
Serotonin - factor in mood, sleep, digestion, nausea and sexual desire