Cities create a brand to create a usp for tourism and investment
Regeneration refers to investment of capital and ideas to revitalise a places socio economic and environmental consitions
Reimaging refers to developments associated with rebranding
Rebranding aims to change negative perceptions of a place
Cornwalls kmage was of declining primary rural indistry
Cornwaal had k lowest ik wages 25% below average
Destination tourism is where people visit a place because of a single attraction and the hope is the stay in the areas and spend miney
Destination tourism in cornwall involves rick stein restaurant and Eden project
Expansion of newquay airport to lomit isolation
Eden project contested due to traffic increasing journey times by 30mins and pollution as the 3500 parklong specs emit more co2 than everything else in at Austell when gull
Eden project brings 750000 visitors per year who spend an average of 150 in corl wall and increasing bookings in holiday cottages and reduces employment by 6% with over 400 full time staff and many part time
EU aided cornwall as 160000 given to private investors if it was matched creating over 580 projects woeth over 230mn
Combined universities of Cornwall reduced brain drain and increased knowledge economy and infrastructure e
Strategies for rebranding include flagship developments legacies market led approach and top down aproach and events or themes