Move production to another location due to changing temp and extreme weather
Increase irrigation due to change in precipitation.
Potato Park, Peru, started to grow crops at higher latitudes
Pro: Prevents economic loss from food waste of failed crops
Con: Doesn't consider demand, expensive to switch production
Sea Level Rise
Constructing sea walls
Creating artificial islands
Relocation of population
Houses raised on stilts
Maldives (Highest point 2.4 m), 3m sea wall around the capital, houses on stilts, artificial islands build over 3m high for relocation, entire population may have to relocate to Sri Lanka or India
Pro: Sea wall = less erosion and damage, everything else creates less damage
Con: Not long term, lots of money, too expensive for LICs and NEEs
Water Shortages
Artificial glaciers
Water collected in winter is stored and frozen
Shower timers
Desalination of the Thames
Ladakah, India build artificial glaciers
London, England divert water from Scotland due to the deficit