Offspring is geneticallydifferent, so lots of variation
Involves meiosis
Plants and animals
Each gamete only has 23 chromosomes (usually its 46), so when fused together have 46 chromosomes.
Asexual reproduction:
Only has one parent.
No mixing of geneticmaterial, so there will be no genevariation, this means that all offspring are identicalclones.
Is energy and time efficient, as don't need to find parent/ second parent.
Eukaryotic organisms do this by mitosis.
Prokaryotic organisms do this by binaryfission.
Advantages of asexual reproduction:
Only need one parent.
Process is very quick.
This allows single organism to colonise new area quickly.
Disadvantages of asexual reproduction:
All off springs are clones, there is no genetic variation. Meaning if a new disease can effect one of the off spring, the rest can also get it.
There is also a smaller chance of adapting to a new condition.
Advantages of sexual reproduction:
There will be lots of geneticvariation. So less likely to have every off spring die form samedisease (as some will be more resistant to it). Also means off springs are more likely to adapt to changing conditions, allows evolution.
Disadvantages of sexual reproduction:
Takes more time and energy than asexual reproduction. Due to needing to find a partner.