Strategies used to protect coastlines

Cards (23)

  • What are hard engineering schemes designed to do?
    They are designed to reduce wave energy or create a barrier between the land and sea.
  • How do soft engineering strategies differ from hard engineering strategies?
    Soft engineering works with nature rather than against it and blends in with the environment.
  • What are some examples of soft engineering strategies listed in the specification?
    • Beach nourishment
    • Reprofiling
    • Dune regeneration
  • What is the purpose of beach nourishment?
    It replaces beach or cliff material that has been removed by erosion or longshore drift.
  • What coastal management techniques are shown in Figure 13?
    Rock groynes, rip rap or rock armour, and regraded cliffs.
  • What is the function of groynes in coastal management?
    They stop material being moved along the beach by longshore drift and help build up sand on the updrift side.
  • What happens immediately downdrift of the south groyne?
    Cliffs are being rapidly eroded due to starvation of beach sediment.
  • What is one benefit of groynes for local communities?
    They create a wider beach, which can be popular with tourists and boost the local economy.
  • How long can groynes last if well maintained?
    Up to 40 years.
  • What is rip rap or rock armour made of?
    Massive blocks of natural rock piled up at the base of a cliff.
  • What is the purpose of rock armour?
    It protects the base of the cliffs from erosion by dispersing wave energy.
  • What is a potential drawback of rock armour?
    Some slumping still occurs, questioning its effectiveness.
  • How does cliff regrading increase stability?
    By reducing cliff slope angles and re-vegetating to reduce erosion.
  • What are gabions used for in coastal management?
    They are wire cages filled with rocks used to support a cliff or provide a buffer against the sea.
  • What is one benefit of gabions?
    They are cheap to produce and flexible in design.
  • What materials are sea walls typically made from?
    Concrete, steel, and/or stone.
  • What is one benefit of sea walls?
    They effectively protect cliffs from erosion and prevent flooding.
  • How do sea walls affect sediment movement?
    They do not impede the movement of sediment downdrift.
  • What are some other hard engineering strategies besides sea walls?
    • Revetments
    • Offshore barriers
    • Reefs
  • What is beach reprofiling?

    It is the artificial re-shaping of a beach using existing beach material.
  • What is dune regeneration?
    It is the artificial creation of new sand dunes or restoration of existing dunes.
  • What are some disadvantages of soft engineering strategies?
    Areas can be left at the mercy of the sea, and gentle interventions may not be effective.
  • What are the overall assessments of hard engineering strategies?

    • Effective solutions that reassure coastal communities
    • Expensive to install and maintain
    • Can have detrimental effects further along the coast