The Operating System

Cards (11)

  • Operating System: Manages Hardware + Software. There are 6 uses. PUMPF + M: Process Management, User Interface, Memory Management, Peripheral Management, File Management and Multitasking.
  • Operating Systen | Memory Management - Where programs running are allocated a time slice, allowing more than one program to run at the same time.
  • Operating System is a collection of software that tell the computer hardware what to do.
  • The Operating System allows the user to interact with the computer.
  • The Operating System allows the computer to run applications.
  • Operating System | User Management - A user is allocated an account and a administrator can set permissions.
  • The Operating system allows the computer to multitask.
  • A User interface is where the OS allows the User to interact with the computer.
  • Graphic User Interface(GUI) are a type of User Interface. They use WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menu, Pointer)
  • Operating System | File Management - The organisation of files like name saving, deletion, grouping, editing.
  • Operating System | Multitasking - When files are opened, the OS moves needed data to the memory. Then not needed files are deleted. The OS divides the memory into groups. The OS controls flow of data from Virtual memory. The OS divides CPU time. OS prioritises CPU time.