The CPU and System Performance

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  • An embedded system is a computer built into another device to perform a specific function.
  • CPU: Central Processing Unit. It Processes all data, brain of conmputer.
  • Fetch-Execute Cycle. F- fetches instructions from the main memory, D- The instruction is decoded by CU prepared 4 next step, E- instruction performed.
  • A computer is a electronic device that takes input, processes it and outputs.
  • Control Unit(CU) manages the FDE cycle and controls flow of data.
  • The Cache stores regularly used data, so the CPU can access it quickly. Very fast memory. Faster than RAM.
  • Cache has different levels. L1 is the fastest, but low capacity.
  • The CPU has 3 main parts: Control Unit(CU), Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU) and The Cache
  • Embedded Systems have one single function so they are easier to design. Cheaper to produce and more efficient.
  • Embedded Systems are computers built into a larger device.