Cards (8)

  • Virtual Memory: is Secondary storage. Acts as RAM when it is full or not efficient. It holds data currently not in use and transfers it back to the RAM when needed.
  • RAM: is Primary Storage that temporarily holds data currently in use. It is Volatile
  • ROM: Read-Only Memory
  • ROM: Is primary storage, which permanently stores data. Its holds BIOS instructions to boot up a pc. It is Non-Volatile.
  • Advantages of RAM: High speed, Faster than secondary storage but volatile, can be expensive.
  • Advantages of ROM: Non-Volatile, instructions to boot up (BIOS), but slow speed.
  • Cache: Stores regularly used data. The CPU accesses it. Very fast memory. Faster than RAM.
  • Using Virtual Memory can make the computer slower to respond due to constant transferring and switching of data. This is Disk Thrashing.