Cards (49)

  • What is vicarious liability defined as?
    Where a third person has legal responsibility for the unlawful actions of another - commonly in a workplace where an employer is responsible for the actions of their employee who acted in the course of their employment
  • What type of tort is vicarious liability?
    Common law
  • What can vicarious liability be described as?
    Strict liability
  • Why is the imposition of strict liability for vicarious liability justified?
    Clear association of tortious actions with the employment
  • What is a tortious action?
    A tort
  • What is a tortfeasor?
    He who commits the tort
  • What are the three elements for vicarious liability?
    Tort must've been committed by tortfeasor
    Must've been a relationship of employment between tortfeasor and defendant
    Tort must occur in course of employment
  • What is the first element of vicarious liability?
    Tort must've been committed by tortfeasor
  • What are the three torts that can be actionable under vicarious liability?
    Negligence, Pure Economic Loss, Private Nuisance
  • If there's no tort committed, is there vicarious liability?
  • What must the tortfeasor be for vicarious liability?
    An employee
  • If a tortfeasor is an independent contractor, will there be vicarious liability?
  • What are the three tests for a traditional employment relationship?
    Control test
    Integration test
    Economic test
  • What is a case for the control test?
    Mersey Docks
  • What is a case for the integration test?
    McDonald and Evans
  • What is a case for the economic reality test?
    Ready Mixed Concrete Ltd.
  • What is the control test?
    Did the employer have control over the tortfeasor
  • What is the integration test?
    To what extent is the individual absorbed into the organisation
  • What factors does the economic reality test look at?
    Ownership of equipment
    Method of payment
    Who is responsible for tax/national insurance contributions?
    What does the job description say?
    How much flexibility/autonomy does the worker have?
  • What test must we use where there is not a traditional employer-employee relationship?
    Relationship 'akin' to employment test
  • What case developed the relationship 'akin' to employment test?
    Christian Brothers
  • What case confirmed the relationship 'akin' to employment test for non-traditional employer-employee relationships from Christian Brothers?
    Trustees of the Barry Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
  • What are the five elements of the relationship 'akin' to employment test?
    1 . Tort occurred as a result of an activity performed by employee on behalf of employer
    2 . Employee's activity is part of the business activity of employer
    3 . Employing the employee created risk of the tort happening (enabled it)
    4 . Employee, to greater or lesser degree, under control of employer
    5 . Employer more likely to be able to compensate with insurance
  • What is the first element of the relationship 'akin' to employment test?
    Tort occurred as a result of an activity performed by employee on behalf of employer
  • What is the second element of the relationship 'akin' to employment test?
    Employee's activity is part of the business activity of employer
  • What is the third element of the relationship 'akin' to employment test?
    Employing the employee created risk of the tort happening (enabled it)
  • What is the fourth element of the relationship 'akin' to employment test?
    Employee, to greater or lesser degree, under control of employer
  • What is the fifth element of the relationship 'akin' to employment test?
    Employer more likely to be able to compensate with insurance
  • Which case gives us the closely connected test?
  • How do we decide if the tort occurs in the course of employment?
    Use the closely connected test (Mohamud)
  • What are the two elements of the closely connected test?
    What was the nature of the employee's job? (Viewed broadly)
    Is there a close enough connection between job role and tort committed to make it fair, just and reasonable for the employer to be liable
  • Will an employer be vicariously liable for authorised acts?
  • Will an employer be liable for unauthorised acts?
  • What is a case for authorised acts done in an unauthorised way?
    Century insurance
  • Will an employer be vicariously liable for authorised acts done in an unauthorised way?
  • What is a case for expressly forbidden acts?
  • Will an employer be vicariously liable for expressly forbidden acts?
  • What is a case for expressly forbidden act that results in an economic benefit to the employer?
  • Will an employer be vicariously liable for expressly forbidden act that results in an economic benefit to the employer?
  • What is a case for unauthorised act with no economic benefit to the employer?