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  • What types of diseases are caused by viruses, fungi, and protists?
    Diseases caused by viruses, fungi, and protists
  • What are the three viral diseases you need to know about?
    • Measles
    • HIV
    • Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)
  • How is measles spread?
    By droplets from sneezes or coughs
  • What are the symptoms of measles?
    Red skin rash and fever
  • What complications can arise from measles?
    Pneumonia and encephalitis
  • When are most people vaccinated against measles?
    When they're young
  • How is HIV primarily spread?
    By sexual contact or bodily fluids
  • What initial symptoms does HIV cause?
    Flu-like symptoms for a few weeks
  • How can HIV be controlled in the body?
    With antiretroviral drugs
  • What does HIV attack in the body?
    The immune cells
  • What is late stage HIV infection also known as?
  • What happens if the immune system is badly damaged by HIV?
    It can't cope with other infections or cancers
  • What is Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) known to affect?
    Many species of plants, e.g., tomatoes
  • What symptom does TMV cause on plant leaves?
    A mosaic pattern and discoloration
  • How does TMV affect a plant's ability to function?
    It reduces photosynthesis efficiency
  • What is Salmonella and how is it transmitted?
    • Salmonella is a bacterial infection
    • Transmitted through contaminated food
  • What are the symptoms of a Salmonella infection?
    Diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps
  • How can you get Salmonella?
    By eating contaminated food
  • What are the key points about Gonorrhea?
    • Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease (STD)
    • Caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae
    • Symptoms include painful urination and discharge
  • What is the causative agent of Gonorrhea?
    Neisseria gonorrhoeae
  • What are common symptoms of Gonorrhea?
    Painful urination and discharge
  • What type of infection is Gonorrhea classified as?
    A sexually transmitted infection (STI)
  • What is the treatment for Gonorrhea?
  • Why is it important to treat Gonorrhea promptly?
    To prevent complications and spread
  • What are the general characteristics of STDs?
    • Transmitted through sexual contact
    • Can have serious health consequences
    • Often asymptomatic in early stages
  • What are the implications of untreated STDs?
    • Increased risk of infertility
    • Higher susceptibility to other infections
    • Potential for chronic pain and health issues