Cards (2)

  • Pathogens are microorganisms that can cause disease (communicable) There are four types:
    • Protists - single celled eukaryotic
    • Fungi - single or multi cellular eukaryotic
    • Bacteria - single celled prokaryotic
    • Viruses - acellular (not made of cells)
  • How can pathogens be spread?
    • Direct contact: touch, shaking hands prevented by: washing hands, physical barriers
    • Water: drinking contaminated water prevented by: water purification (heating, boiling)
    • Air: sneezing or coughing prevented by: face masks, sneezing in arm
    • Unhygienic food preparation: undercooked or reheated foods prevented by: heating properly and to right temperature
    • Vectors: organism carrying disease bites another organism prevented by: killing vector organism, taking drugs which kill the pathogens