
Cards (77)

  • Application software or app software is category of software that allows...
    Users to accomplish tasks on a computer system
  • Give 5 examples of utility software
    Disk clean up
  • Utility software
    What is it
    Is a software that relates to the well being of your computer to keep it running smoothly and to keep it safe
  • What are the 5 types of application examples:
    Web browsers
    Presentations/slides show
    Social networking
  • What is utility software designed for
    What is the one purpose it serves
    To keep it running smoothly and keep it safe
    Serve a disk defragmenter(organizes the individual files and improves hard drive speed)
  • code generation
    what happens in this stage
    during this staage object or machine code is generated
    this is what the cpu actually works with to make your program run
  • code optimisation
    what happens in this stage
    after code generation, it will be optimised for efficiency
  • compiling a program
    when a code is being compiled through a ---, goes through -- stages
    4 stages
  • in a syntax analysis what happens if a sectiom or part doesnt fit the rules
    an error is generated with detail of what and and where it is (if more is wrong then it will generate more errors)
  • in code optimisation
    what is the purpose of optimising for efficiency
    purpose is to make the binary footprint as small as possible and will remove procedures and variables that are written into the code but never used
  • in syntax analysis why does it differ to interpreted language
    becuase they return one error at a time
  • lexical analysis
    white spaces(space added to seperate words) is needed in lexical analysis
    what does it help with
    it helps humans read the code,
  • syntax analysis
    what happends inside them(in steps)
    -during the syntax analysis, tokenised code from lexical analysis is compared to the rules of the programming language
  • what are the 4 stages of compiling, write in order
    -lexical analysis
    -syntax analysis
    -code generation
    -code optimisation
  • what are the stages that go through inside a lexical analysis
    -it first checks for white space, it is removed firstly from the code because compilers dont need it
    -the compiler will then go through the code and create tokens out of the keywords and oepratros it finds(called lexemes)
    -it then puts it in a symbol table
  • what is a token
    and example
    is a string that is recognized by the computer
    example: the number 8 will be assigned the token "number:8"
  • back up software
    having lots of copies means what?
    that if something happened to one copy, we can restore it using the other
  • back up software
    what is the purpose of back up software
    creates a copy of important data, so it can be stored in an external location
  • Compression
    Compression utilities reduce the amount of disk space needed to store a file by applying
    A loseless compression algorithm
  • Compression
    Uses of compression
    When can they be used
    When a file won't be accessed regularly, e.g, archives
    When a file is to be transferred on a network (to speed up the transfer)
  • Compression
    What is loseless compression
    This means that no quality is lost from the original file and can be restored to the original
  • Data compression and backup
    What does data compression allow
    Data compression software allows users to store more data onto a certain disk
  • decompression
    -compression utuilities can also decompress the compressed files...
    -file must be decompressed in order to...
    -to return them to their original versions
    -in order to read them
  • full back up
    what is an advantage and disadvantage
    -easy to restore a system from a full back-up
    -are a slow process and take up alot of space
  • full back up
    what is it
    is where a copy is made of everything on the system onto the back up media
  • incremental back-up
    -much faster
    -use less space
  • incremental back-up
    it is more difficult to restore system from incremental back-up because... (2 reasons)
    -the most recent full back up must be applied
    -every incremental back-up since then must be applied in the correct order
  • incremental back-up
    what is it
    is where only the files that have changed since the last back up are closed
  • Defragmentation software
    Will increase the...
    Performance of the computer
  • Defragmentation software
    What does it do
    Recognizes the data on the storage device so that data from the same file is stored in the adjacent block
  • Defragmentation software
    If a single file is stored in different places on a storage device, we say that the file is...
  • Defragmentation software
    Solid state drive(SSD)
    This provides random access to data. This means...
    That fragmentated data doesn't take longer to load
  • Defragmentation software
    SSD should never be defragmented because...
    this will push the device towards its read/write cycle limit, which shortens its lifetime
  • Deframentation software
    What is wrong with fragmentation
    Fragmented file takes longer to load
  • Encryption in generating system
    Good encryption utilities will work closely with the operating system to encrypt...
    And decrypt files in real time as you need to access them
  • What is dcryption
    This is when an authorized party uses a special key to unscramble the data
  • What is encryption
    This is the "scrambling" of data to protect sensitive data
  • builtdynamically linked libraries
    is it bult into the code
    not built into the code
  • dynamically linked libraries
    what does it mean
    mean your binary footprint is smaller, but the libraries need to be installed(unlike statically linked libaries)
  • dynamically linked libraries
    when are these libraries loaded in
    when the object or machince code is passed to the CPU to run, just when it needs it