Module 1 - Generating Movement; Measuring Movement/Power

Cards (84)

  • Stress = the impact, load, demand on the body
  • Strain = the response of the body to stress
  • Validity = if what is measured is the true value
  • Reliability = how reproducible the measurement is
  • Accessing acute & adaptive response to exercise:
    1. Means to stress body - usually in exercise, in which work measured
    2. Means to quantify physiological responses - often involves measuring energy usage
    3. Control or standardise factors that influence body's responses (eg environment, diet, meds, hydration etc)
    • Must be valid & reliable
  • Within muscle = intrinsic
    • Is both passive & active
  • Proprioceptive info = feedback of how muscle going
  • Huge number of contractile proteins in a muscle structure
  • Muscle cells are multinucleated; allows high protein production if stressed
  • Satellite cells = keep ultimate number of nuclei & help cell repair
  • Excitation-Contraction Coupling:
    1. AP travels down T-tubules & release Ca from SR
    2. Ca binds to troponin & causes position change of tropomyosin, exposing active sites of actin
    3. Binding bw/ actin & myosin - contraction occurs
    4. ATP binds to myosin head allows relaxation
  • During contracting each stroke shortens muscle ~1%
  • Neuromuscular junction also known as motor end plate
  • Depolarisation of NMJ to initiate contraction
  • The Size Principle = Motor neurons recruited by axon size, small to large
  • Type 1 = slow twitch, low force & fatigue resistant
  • Type 2a = fast twitch, moderate force & less fatigue resistant
  • Type 2x = fast twitch, high force & fast fatigue
  • 1 motor unit stimulates multiple fibres of the same type
  • 2 Major benefits of Size Principle:
    1. Use fatigue-resistant units longer
    2. Increase frequency gives force initially (summation), but diminishing effect w/ further increase frequency until tetanus
  • Exercise begins & ends in the brain
  • CNS receives feedback from muscles
  • Fatigue = reduction in strength; can have peripheral & central components
  • CNS limits motor output to prevent muscle being used too severely, BUT many potential limitations:
    • Motor cortex
    • Descending motor tracts
    • Spinal synapses
    • Electrical propagation in muscle
    • Neuromuscular junction
    • Chemical events in muscle
  • Chemical events in muscle include:
    • Availability of substrate(s) - (energy source)
    • Enzyme activity
    • Local environment (pH, ionic conc's & T-tubules conductance)
  • The Central Governor model - performance is set by subconscious brain specifically to ensure that the athlete reaches the finish whilst still in physiological homeostasis = Anticipatory behaviour regulation
  • Will fatigue with no or little ATP depletion & some glycogen in muscles
  • Metabolites & low fuel "sensors" (myokines) feedback to CNS
  • Peripheral fatigue:
    • Muscle factors more involved in highly intensive (Type 2x fibres)
    • Vary with exercise duration
  • Peripheral fatigue mechanisms:
    • Excitability (decrease Na/K pump) - T-tubules, Ca release
    • Oxidative (free recall) damage - Na/K pump, actin & myosin
    • H+ & Pi accumulation - decrease Ca release from SR, decrease binding of Ca to troponin, decrease x-bridge directly
    • Sarcomere damage - z line streaming (foggy = microtrauma), from eccentric & unaccustomed exercise
  • Problems of uncontrolled force:
    • Muscle cramps - due to electrolyte depletion (guilt by association)
    • Now considered mostly due to NMJ (reflex) control
  • Length-Tension Relationship:
    • Optimal length has most actin & myosin overlap, so active tension (force application)
    • Tension develops rapidly at longer muscle lengths
  • Fibre length to Muscle length:
    1. Hamstrings
    • Longer muscle fibre/muscle, less CSA
    • Rapid shortening
    • Greater risk of tear
    1. Quadriceps
    • Shorter fibre/muscle, greater CSA
    • Greater force capacity
    • Lower risk of tear
  • Force-Velocity Relationship:
    • Cross-bridges bw/ actin & myosin attach & detach at certain rates ("rate constants")
  • Force-Velocity Relationship:
    • As velocity increases, the number of x-bridges decreases & less force generated
  • Force-Velocity Relationship:
    • Force highest for eccentric > isometric > concentric
    • Eccentric contractions involve unaccustomed force frequently cause muscle damage (microtrauma, DOMS)
  • Muscles act around joints, so force produced is measured as torque (Nm)
    • Power athletes generate more torque @ ALL velocities, compared w/ endurance athletes, but force decreases @ similar rate as velocity increases (in relative terms)
  • Length-Tension-Velocity Relationship:
    • If velocity increases, force decreases, regardless of length
    • If velocity decreases, length is an important modulator
    • @ eccentric velocities, muscle velocity dominates length as the determinants of force
  • Optimal Power = a tradeoff bw/ force & speed
  • Power = work/time = force x time (Watt = J/sec)