Biology: Bioenergetics: Key terms

Cards (11)

  • Endothermic
    reactions that take in heat / require heat energy
  • Chlorophyll
    the green pigment found in most plants; responsible for photosynthesis
  • Limiting factor
    a factor that prevents a reaction going any faster
  • Inverse square law
    when a light source is moved to double the distance then the light intensity reduces by a quarter
  • Exothermic
    reactions that release energy / heat into the environment
  • Aerobic respiration
    respiration that uses oxygen to release energy from glucose
  • Anaerobic respiration
    respiration that takes place without oxygen, producing energy and lactic acid
  • Fermentation
    the conversion of sugar to alcohol and carbon dioxide in yeast
  • Lactic acid
    a compound produced when cells respire without oxygen (i.e. anaerobically)
  • Oxygen debt
    oxygen deficiency caused by anaerobic respiration during intense / vigorous exercise
  • Metabolism
    the sum of all the chemical reactions occurring in the body