
Cards (15)

  • Originated in the lst 19th century to meet the demands of a working class with newly gained suffrage
  • Equality a key value
  • Factions - Blairites vs Brownites essentially Labour against Labour traditions versus Labour which is more socialist and against market-driven reforms
  • Factions - Open Labour 2016 to combat factionalism
  • Factions - Labour First, right wing Labour group
  • Economy - tax and spend party
  • Economy - 2019, reverse Tory cuts and reintroduce 45p additional rate of income tax for top earners
  • Law and order - 1997 went against traditional Labour beliefs by wanting to fast track young offenders
  • Law and order - 2019 Domestic violence register to monitor the behaviour of perpetrators
  • Welfare - fair work standard for the public sector
  • Welfare - extend statutory maternity leave
  • Welfare - 10-year plan of social care reform
  • Welfare - Mental Health support within a month
  • Welfare - National Excellence Program to train 6,500 new teachers
  • Foreign policy - more amenable to immigration