1.4.2 Government Failure

Cards (9)

  • Government Failure
    Policies that cause a deeper market failure
  • Net Welfare Loss

    An overall loss of economic welfare when compared to the starting position
  • Regulatory Capture

    A form of government failure where a government agency operates in favour of firms rather than consumers
  • Unintended Consequences

    A cause of government failure whereby the government’s actions result in unexpected effects eg. spending on roads instead of railways has led to congestion
  • Types of Government Failure
    -High administration or enforcement costs
    -Information Failure
    -Unintended consequences
    -Regulatory capture
  • Information Failure
    Inaccurate valuation of externalities may lead to the policy being ineffective as the right level of the policy is not used eg. indirect tax
  • Administration and Enforcement

    Regulation, subsidies, state provision of goods and price controls may have a high opportunity cost
  • Unintended Consequences
    Black markets, income inequality due to minimum prices, impact on firms and consumers and employment due to intervention
  • Government Failure
    When government intervention in the market leads to a net welfare loss and misallocation of resources