Consumer Behaviour and Decision Making

Cards (7)

  • Utility
    A measure of the satisfaction that we get from purchasing and consuming a good or service.
  • Rational Choice 

    Making choices based on the additional benefits and the costs to maximise utility
  • Utility Maximisation
    The assumption that consumers behave rationally in allocating their income between different products to maximise utility from their purchases.
  • Computational Weakness

    When consumers find it difficult to calculate the probability of something happening when making purchasing decisions
  • Habitual Consumption

    When people have strong default choices because they don’t involve much effort. Incentives like government intervention through taxes and subsidies may change behaviours
  • Herd Behaviour

    When individuals in a group act collectively without centralised direction
  • Reasons for Irrational Behaviour

    Inertia, computational weakness and the influence of others