a collection of millions / billions of stars held together by gravitational attraction
a cloud of particles and gases
the hot dense mass that forms when a nebula collapses, which evolves into a star once nuclear fusion can occur
Main sequence
a stable period in the lifecycle of a star, during which the outward acting fusion energy and inward acting force of gravity are in balance
a large star that explodes because the forces within it are no longer balanced / stable, releasing vast amounts of energy
the curved path followed by a planet, satellite, comet, etc. as it travels around a body that exerts a gravitational force upon it; also applies to the paths of electrons around a nucleus (which exerts an electrostatic force of attraction)
Circular motion
produced when an object rotates with a constant speed but changing velocity; the instantaneous velocity is perpendicular to the centripetal force
an object that has three dimensions and mass
the observed increase in the wavelength of light from distant galaxies, towards the red end of the spectrum