General Knowledge

Cards (9)

  • Infrastructure
    Transport links, communications networks, sewage systems, energy plants and other facilities essential for the efficient functioning of a country and its economy.
  • Lagging Indicators
    Indicators which tend to follow economic cycles e.g. unemployment.
  • Leading Indicators

    Indicators which predict future economic trends e.g. consumer confidence
  • Manufacturing
    A production industry, which also includes mining, electricity, water & waste management and oil & gas extraction. 11% of total UK GDP in 2019 was manufacturing
  • National Income

    Total income earned by all factors of production in an economy in a given time
  • Real Wage
    Nominal wages adjusted for inflation
  • Cause of the UK's Low Productivity
    -Low levels of R&D (less than 2% of GDP)
    -Low levels of investment limit the productive capacity
    -Long-term decline in the world price of a major export
    -Weak productivity means higher unit costs and lower cost competitiveness
  • Determinants of Consumption
    Income, level of wealth, inflation, interest rates, consumer confidence, availability of credit and demographics
  • Accelerator Effect

    An increase in GDP results in a proportionately larger rise in capital investment