Ida Jean Orlando

Cards (38)

  • Ida Jean Orlando - a renowned nurse who dedicated her career to mental health and psychiatric nursing
  • Deliberative Nursing Process Theory - stresses the reciprocal relationship between the patient and the nurse
  • Middle Range Theory - other term for deliberative nursing process theory
  • Assessment - involves critical thinking skills and data collection
  • Subjective Data - verbalized/explained by the patients
  • Objective Data - to verify, measure, or validate the given data
  • Data - may come from the patient directly or from primary caregivers
  • Diagnosis - uses the nurse's clinical judgement about health problems
  • Planning - where goals and outcomes are formulated that directly impact patient care
  • Implementation - are actions or doing the actual carrying out of nursing interventions
  • Evaluation - looks at the patient's progress toward the goals
  • IPPA - Inspect, Palpate, Percussion, Auscultate
  • Vital Signs: Body Temperature, Pulse Rate, Respiratory Rate, Blood Pressure, Pain Scale
  • Pain Scale: 0-3 (mild), 4-6 (moderate), 7-10 (severe)
  • Independent Intervention - done only by the Nurse
  • Dependent Intervention - done together by both the RN & MD
  • Tepid Sponge Bath - TSB; done if the temp. is 40 degree Celcius
  • Organizing Principle - means finding out and meeting the patient's immediate needs for help
  • Organizing Principle - the function of a professional nurse
  • Problematic Situation - the patient's presenting behavior
  • Problematic Situation - through the presenting behavior, the nurse finds the patient's immediate need for help
  • The nurse must first recognize the situation as problematic when presented with a patient
  • Internal Response - patient perceives objects with his or her five senses
  • Internal Response - immediate reaction from a perceived stimuli, which triggers the automatic reaction or thought
  • Reflective Inquiry - deliberate nursing process formulations reflect the nurse-patient situation as a dynamic whole
  • Improvement-Resolution - the result of nurse's action is evaluated to determine whether their actions served to help the patient
  • Five Major Interrelated Concepts: Organizing Principles, Problematic Situation, Internal Response, Reflective Inquiry, Improvement-Resolution
  • Person - developmental beings with needs
  • Health - feelings of adequacy and well-being from fulfilled needs
  • Environment - when there is a nurse-patient contact
  • Nursing - a distinct profession that functions autonomously
  • Nursing - to find out and meet the patient's immediate need for help
  • Nursing Client - patients who are under medical care
  • Nursing Problem - distress due to unmet needs
  • Nursing Process - interactions of the behavior of the patients, the reaction of the nurse and the nursing actions which are assigned for the patient's benefit
  • Nursing Therapeutics - composed of disciples and professional activities and automatic activities
  • Direct Function - initiates a process of helping the patient express the specific meaning of his behavior
  • Indirect Function - calling for help of others or whatever help the patient may require