Cards (8)

  • Support for absorption-addiction model
    Maltby et al investigated the link between celebrity worship and body image in males and females aged 14-16. Particularly, females reported an intense-personal parasocial relationship with a female celebrity whose body shape they admired. Researchers found these adolscents tended to have a poor body image and speculated this link may be a precursor to the development of eating disorders- anorexia nervosa.
  • Problems with attachment theory

    McCutcheon et al measured Attachment types and celebrity-related attitudes in 299 ppts. The researchers found the ppts with insecure attachments were no more likely to form parasocial relationships with relationships with celbrities than ppts with secure attachments. Finding fails to support a central prediction of attachment theory, rasing doubts regarding its validity.
  • Methodological issues

    Most studies on PRs use self-report metheods to collect data. E.g: Online questionnaires. There are subject to a number of effects that can bias the findings- social desirability bias.
  • Correlational analysis (Methodological issues)

    Most studies use correlational analysis. Strong correlations are found between celebrity worship and body image but that does not mean causation which is not warranted. It could be women who already have a poor body image are drawn to an inter-personal relationship of an admired celebrity. This issue of cause and effect can e addressed by longitudinal research. Question about validity.
  • Problems with the absorption-addiction model

    Model described as a better description for PRs rather than explanation. For instance, the model is capable of describing the characteristics of people who are most absorbed by and addicted to celebrities. But unlike attachment theory, it does not explain how such characteristics develop. Perhaps a combination of both is the best way to go.
  • Cultural influences

    Research identified a tendency for some people to form a PR with Harry Potter. For example, Schmid and Kilmmt reported that this is not culturally specific. Using an online questionnaire methodology, they found similar levels of attachment to Harry Poitter in indidvidualist cultures (Germany) and collectivist cultures (Mexico).
  • Evolutionary basis (Cultural influences)
    Therefore the need to form PRs is universal, it may even be innate. Supports the absorption-addiction model's assumption that parasocial involvement arises out of poor psychological adjustment, deficiencies in everyday functioning or lack of fulfilment in relationships. Perhaps people generally have a need to escape into parasocial relationships to cope with the stressors of everyday life.
  • Personality Traits
    Maltby also linked Entertainment-social to extraverts, Intense-personal to neurotic traits and bordeline-pathological to psychotic traits.