A01 Parasocial Relationships

Cards (9)

  • Levels of parasocial relationships

    McCutcheon et al developed the celebrity attitude scale which identified three levels describing the attitudes and behaviours linked to more extreme forms of celebrity worship.
  • Entertainment-social subscale
    Least intense level of celebrity worship, celebrities viewed as sources of entertainment and fuel for social interaction. They are a frutiful source for gossip.
  • Intense Personal subscale
    Intermediate level reflects greater personal involvement, e.g. obsessive thoughts and intense feelings.
  • Borderline pathological subscale
    Strongest level, uncontrollable fantasies and extreme behaviours
  • The absorption-addiction model

    Explains the tendency to form PRs in terms of problems people have in their own lives. E.g: they have a weak sense of self-identity. A PR allows them to escape from reality or a way finding of fulfiment. Someone who has initially the entertainment social orientation may drop severely due to a personal crisis.
  • Absorption
    Seeking fulfilment in celebrity worship motivates the individual to focus their attention as far as possible on the celebrity, to become pre-occupied in their existance and identity with them.
  • Addiction
    Individual needs to sustain their commitment to the relationship by feeling and stronger and closer involvement with the celebrity. May lead to more extreme behaviours and delusional thinking.
  • The attachment theory explanation
    Various psychologists argue that there is a tendency to form parasocial relationship in adolescence and adulthood due to attachment difficulties in early childhood.
  • Bowlby and Ainsworth attachment theory

    Bowlby's internal working model suggested such early difficulties may lead to emotional troubles later in life. Ainsworth identified two types of insecure attachment: insecure resistant and avoidant. Resistant type was most likely to form parasocial relationship as adults due to unfulfilled needs wanting to be met but also without risk of rejection, break-up or disappointment, avoidant prefer to avoid pain and rejection of relationships all together (social and parasocial)