Sister Callista Roy

Cards (41)

  • Sister Callista Roy - a nursing theorist, professor, and author
  • Adaptation Model Theory - states that individuals are constantly interacting with and adapting to their environment
  • Adaptation - the process by which people adjust to changes and maintain balance
  • Humans are adaptive system
  • Health is a state of being and becoming
  • People adapt in four ways
  • Person - have thinking and feeling capacities, by which they adjust effectively to changes in the environment
  • Environment - the conditions and influences affecting people's development and behavior
  • Health - not freedom from the inevitability of death, disease, etc.
  • Health - the ability to cope with uncertainties in a competent way
  • Nursing - the promotion of adaption for individuals and groups, that contributes to the quality of health
  • Adaptation - the process and outcome whereby the individuals use conscious awareness and choice to create human and environmental integration
  • Regulator - a person's physiological coping mechanism
  • Regulator - body attempts to adapt via regulation of our bodily processes
  • Cognator - a person's mental coping mechanism
  • Cognator - the use of his brain to cope via self-concept, and role function adaptive modes
  • Internal Process: Regulator Subsystem, Cognator Subsystem
  • Integrated Level - when individual's adaptive responses are effective and functioning optimally
  • Compensatory Level - the adaptive responses are not entirely effective but are still managing to cope with the demands
  • Compromised Level - when the adaptive responses are inadequate and fail to meet the demands of the environment
  • Levels of Adaptation: Integrated, Compensatory, Compromised
  • Physical Mode - the mode that focuses on the body's physical and biological processes
  • Physical Mode - how the body responds to internal and external environmental stimuli
  • Self-Concept Group Identity Mode - this mode pertains to an individual's self-identity and self-esteem
  • Role Function Mode - the mode that focuses on the primary, secondary, and tertiary roles that a person occupies in the society
  • Interdependence - the mode that focuses on attaining relational integrity through the giving and receiving love, respect and value
  • Assessment of Behavior - data gathering about the behavior of a person as an adaptive system
  • Assessment of Stimuli - analyzes the subjective and objective behaviors and look more deeply for possible cause
  • Focal Stimuli - the immediate issue
  • Contextual Stimuli - surrounding factors
  • Residual Stimuli - underlying or past influences
  • Nursing Diagnosis - formulation of statements that interpret data about the adaption on statues of a person
  • Goal Setting - establishment of clear statements of the behavioral outcomes for nursing care which is realistic and attainable
  • Intervention - develop and implement nursing interventions to help the adapt more effectively to the stimuli
  • Evaluation - assess the outcomes of the interventions
  • Individuals are adaptive system
  • Person - a biopsychological being who is in constant interaction
  • Environment - the surroundings and stimuli that affect the person's development and behavior
  • Health - a person strives to maintain balance and adapt to environmental changes
  • Nursing - the profession that helps individuals and groups promote adaptation