Destruction of Wetlands

Cards (17)

  • A wetland is a piece of land that is saturated by surface or groundwater
  • A wetland is characterised by:
    -waterlogged soil
    -high water table
    -many aquatic plants
  • Wetlands are usually covered by water for the greater part of the year
  • Wetlands include springs, marshes, swamps, floodplains, pans, estuaries, riverbanks and wet grasslands
  • Wetlands purify water by acting as filters for pollutants
  • Wetlands store water and ensure a reliable water supply for times of drought
  • Wetlands reduce water movement and thus control floods and soil erosion
  • Wetlands replenish the water table
  • Wetlands increase biodiversity as they provide a habitat for a large variety of plant and animal species, some of which are endangered
  • About 50% of South Africa's wetlands have been destroyed as a result of poor land management
  • Draining of wetlands for grazing and crops
  • Overgrazing which results in soil erosion
  • Incorrect methods of controlled fires resulting in soil erosion
  • Incorrect placement of dams
  • pollution also affects survival of wetlands
  • mining also affects the survival of wetlands
  • urban development