Nuclear fission & fusion are nuclear reactions that change the nucleus of an atom to produce high amounts of energy from the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
Nuclear fission is defined as the splitting of a large, unstable nucleus into two smaller nuclei
During fission:
A neutron collides with an unstable nucleus
The neutron and the nucleus are the reactants
The nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei (called daughter nuclei) and two or three neutrons
The daughter nuclei and the neutrons are the products of the reaction
Gamma rays are also emitted
Nuclear fission process
A neutron is fired into the targetnucleus, causing it to split
A) neutron
B) target nucleus
C) neutron
D) fission product
E) neutron
F) fission product
G) neutron
An example of a nuclide equation for the fission of uranium-235 is:
U is an unstable isotope of uranium
n is a neutron
Kr is an unstable isotope of krypton
Ba is an unstable isotope of barium
Nuclear fission of uranium-235
Large nuclei can decay by fission to produce smaller nuclei and neutrons with a lot of kinetic energy
A) neutron
B) uranium
C) 235
D) daughter nuclei
E) 2 or 3 neutrons
Energy is conserved in a nuclear fission reaction
In the example:
A) sum
B) nucleon
C) reactants
D) equal
E) sum
F) nucleon
G) products
H) proton
The products of fission move away very quickly
During a fission reaction, energy is transferred from nuclear energystore of the parent nucleus to the kinetic energy store of the reactants
The mass of the products is less than the mass of the original nucleus
This is because the remaining mass has been converted into energy, which is released during the fission process
Large isotopes with a large nucleon number, such as uranium and plutonium, both undergo fission and are used as fuels in nuclear power stations
Nuclear fusion is defined as when two light nuclei join to form a heavier nucleus
Stars use nuclear fusion to produce energy
In most stars, hydrogen nuclei (light nuclei) are fused together to form a helium nucleus (heavier nucleus) and massive amounts of energy is produced
Nuclear fusion of hydrogen
A) energy
Nuclear fusion requires extremely hightemperature and pressure
So fusion is very hard to reproduce on Earth
An example of a nuclide equation for fusion is:
2H1is deuterium (isotope of hydrogen with 1 proton and 1 neutron)
1H1 is hydrogen (with one proton)
3He2 is an isotope of helium (with two protons and one neutron)
The energy produced during nuclear fusion comes from a very small amount of a particle’s massconverted into energy
Therefore, the mass of the product (fused nucleus) is less than the mass of the two original nuclei (reactants)
The remaining mass has been converted into the energyreleased when the nuclei fuse
The amount of energy released during nuclear fusion is huge:
The energy from 1 kg of hydrogen that undergoes fusion is equivalent to the energy from burning about 10 million kilograms of coal