the gene that has the codedinstructions for a protein such as insulin, housed on chromatin in the nucleus, is transcribed into a length of RNA called messenger RNA (mRNA)
2. many copies of this mRNA are made and they pass out of the pores in the nuclearenvelope to the ribosomes
3. at the ribosomes, the instructions are translated and insulin molecules are assembled
4. the insulin molecules pass into the cisternae of the roughendoplasmic reticulum and along these hollow sacs
5. vesicles with insulin inside are pinched off from the roughendoplasmic reticulum and pass, via microtubules and motorproteins, to the Golgi apparatus
6. the vesiclesfuse with the Golgi apparatus, where the insulinprotein molecules may be modified for release
7. inside vesicles pinched off from the Golgi apparatus, these molecules pass to the plasma membrane
8. the vesicles and plasma membranefuse, and the insulin is released to the outside of the cell