zimbardos research

Cards (16)

  • how many days was the trial meant to run for?
    2 weeks
  • how long did the trial run for?
    4 days
  • why did zimbardos experiment end quicker than anticipated?
    one of the fellow postgraduate students convinced him it was immoral
  • what were the participants arranged as?
    guards and prisoners
  • what was zimbardo testing?
    how fast people would fit in and act as their given role
  • how much were participants paid an hour?
    £ 15
  • Who did zimbardos sample consist of? (zim)
    Consisted of 21 male university students
  • how did zimbardo get his volunteers. (Zim)
    They all volunteered in response to a newspaper advert
  • How many people volunteered to the add?
  • How did zimbardo choose his sample
    He chose based on physical and mental stability
  • How were roles decided
    They were randomly assigned
  • What were the guards ordered to not do
    they were told to not use any violence
  • What 2 significant Items were given to the guards?
    • Truncheon
    • dark reflective glasses
  • Why were the glasses significant?
    Since the eyes of the guards couldn’t be seen it removed the emotional connection between the sides
  • What did Zimbardo conclude?
    Concluded people conform to roles quickly even when it is against their moral principles
  • When did this study happen?