
Cards (7)

  • Harris - Literacy in Rome was 10%
    • Can argue against as you need some kind of functional literacy to get by
    • Graffiti in Pompey shows that ordinary people interacted with epic poetry
    • Aeneid pun. Aeneid starts "I sing of arms and the man". Graffiti on the side of a laundry place "I sing of an owl and laundry". Owl linked to Minerva, the goddess of laundry
  • Syme - ""Poets favoured by the government proceeded to celebrate in verse the ideals of renascent Rome"
    • The glorification of Actium e.g. in Temple of Palatine Apollo the "Muse" is invoked + reference to Thessaly in Cleopatra + reference to Phalgrean Plain in Woman's Power
    • Linked to the patronage of Maecenas
  • Rowan - coinage served as "monument in minature"
  • Sutherland - "coinage under the empire has a primarily economic purpose"
  • Zanker - argues that Classical art was held to "high" "aesthetic" and "moral" standards so by using features of Classical art Augustus encourages his Principate was one of similar moral superiority
  • Bishop - Augustus' early sculpture "evokes Alexander the Great and his miraculous campaigns" in his disshevelled hair
  • Bishop - "Along with this change in title [to Augustus] came a modification in image”
    • Reference to 27 BC First Settlement