Can argue against as you need some kind of functional literacy to get by
Graffiti in Pompey shows that ordinary people interacted with epic poetry
Aeneid pun. Aeneid starts "I sing of arms and the man". Graffiti on the side of a laundry place "I sing of an owl and laundry". Owl linked to Minerva, the goddess of laundry
Syme - ""Poets favoured by the government proceeded to celebrate in verse the ideals of renascent Rome"
The glorification of Actium e.g. in Temple of Palatine Apollo the "Muse" is invoked + reference to Thessaly in Cleopatra + reference to Phalgrean Plain in Woman's Power
Linked to the patronage of Maecenas
Rowan - coinage served as "monument in minature"
Sutherland - "coinage under the empire has a primarily economic purpose"
Zanker - argues that Classical art was held to "high" "aesthetic" and "moral" standards so by using features of Classical art Augustus encourages his Principate was one of similar moral superiority
Bishop - Augustus' early sculpture "evokes Alexander the Great and his miraculous campaigns" in his disshevelled hair
Bishop - "Along with this change in title [to Augustus] came a modification in image”