After the deaths of Hirtius and Pansa “giving me a consular position in declaring opinions, and gave me imperium” and the people appointed him "consul"
Appointed consul “thirteen times” and was in his "thirty seventh year of tribunician power"
Augustus refused “further triumphs” and the “dictatorship”
"I alone was to be responsible for the laws and morals, with supreme power" - reference to the 3rd Settlement (19-18 BC)
Senate dedicated to him
Inclusion in Salian hymn
His santification which meant he was inviolate forever
Fortuna Redux consecrated and sacrifices made on it were to be called 'Augustalia'
Efforts to improve the cultus + religio
“I restored 82 temples of the gods”
“I first put on the Games of Mars, which from that time, the consuls were to celebrate by senatorial decree and by law”
“Embassies from kings in India were often sent to me”
“I extinguished civil wars” - 27 BC First Settlement meant he relinquished unprecedented powers and so signified the end of civil war
“ I transferred the republic from my power to the control of the senate and the Roman people” - reference to the 1st and 2nd Settlements (23 BC, gave up consulship)
“I was named Augustus, and the doors of my house were publicly clothed in laurel, and a civic crown were fixed over my door and a golden shield was put in the Curia Julia” - cognomen given in 27 BC 1st Settlement