Mutina - “on my own initiative, and at my own expense”
“Temple of Mars the Avenger and the Forum of Augustus on private ground from war booty” - military exploits used to maintain a pax deorum with the gods rather for personal gain
Skilled military leader
“I conquered them twice” -> on his victory over the assassins
Won on “land and sea”
Merciful military leader
“Pardoned all the citizens who asked for mercy”
Allowed the Armenians to run their own kingdom as a client kingdom rather than become a province. He allows the natural order of kings follow through, perhaps hinting at the same grace his own people should allow his family when he dies
Skilled politician
“ I recovered from Spain and Gaul and the Dalmatians… the military standards that had been lost by other generals”
“I compelled the Parthians”
Seen as a respected diplomat, visited by those who had “never before been seen with Roman generals”
Bringer of peace through war
“Janus Quirinus should be closed” which was only closed “twice in living memory”
Augustus awarded an “Altar of AugustanPeace” (Ara Pacis)
Augustus included in the Salian hymn
“Freed the sea from pirates”
“I extended the limits of all the provinces of the Roman people”
“ I added Egypt to the empire of the Roman people.”
Benefactor through war
“Temple of Mars the Avenger and the Forum of Augustus on private ground from war booty”