An occupier must keep lawful visitors reasonably safe for the purpose of their visit
What is s.2(3)(a) - OLA 1957?
An occupier must be prepared for children to be less careful than adults
What is s.2(3)(b) -OLA 1957?
An occupier may expect that a person in the exercise of his trade will appreciate and guard against any special risks which they ought to know about throughtheir work
What is s.2(4)(a) - OLA 1957?
Warning notices : the occupier's liability is discharged if he or she gives effective warning of the danger
What must the warning sign be to enable the visitor to be reasonably safe?
What are the three components needed for a defence in S.2(4)(b)?
It was reasonable to hire a contractor
Reasonable precautions were taken to ensure the contractor was competent
If the nature of the work allows, reasonable checks were taken to inspect the work
What happened in Laverton v Kiapasha Takeway?
Customer slipped in takeway on a rainy day, breaking her ankle
What was the point of law in Laverton v Kiapasha Takeaway?
No duty to keep visitors completely safe, only reasonable.
What happened in Jolley v Sutton?
14-year-old boy and his friend found an old boat abandoned and played in it.